Friday, May 28, 2010

stream of consciousness

This post is going to be completely random…about things that I have been thinking about lately. In no particular order.

How preggo fat am I to have an elastic waistband that is too tight??? So tight actually that I had to cut it so I could make it through the day comfortably! Yep, sure did. Here’s a pic to prove it. I know, you’re thinking, why in the world would you document that? Well, I think it’s sort of funny, so I had to do it! :)
Do you ever wear slip-on shoes and long pants, just to have your pants get caught up between your heel and the shoe all day? And you spend the day pulling your pant leg out and hate the way it looks? Well, I have that problem now that the weather is getting nicer and I wear my many pairs of shoes that have an open back. I bought these a few years ago at a boutique in Hot Springs, Arkansas when I was shopping with my mom. Genius!! And they really work. It’s just an adhesive flexible cardboard-like material that you attach to the bottom seam of your pants, but it works like a charm. I used my last pair this week, so I need to buy more.

Now that I’m pregnant, I have noticed that the hair on my legs grows extremely slowly. I love that! Chalk that up with the things I love about pregnancy. Which would be a good post—things I love about being pregnant—maybe I will just talk about that now. I would add to that list:
-Slow leg hair growth
-Feeling the baby move
-Not worrying about an ever-expanding waistband
-Comfy pants!!
-No period (sorry, gotta put that on there…it’s a great perk!)
-People going out of their way to make life easier or make me feel special (if we’re all honest, we do love being catered to a bit during pregnancy, right??)

We’re going to see my family in Oklahoma for Memorial Day weekend. I am so excited! That includes my sister and her husband who we only see twice a year since they live so far away in Maryland!! And this little guy!!
My sweet nephew Will. I can’t wait to kiss his sweet face.

Speaking of nephews…my brother-in-law (Courtney’s brother Brandon) and his wife (Kyla) are about to have their baby next month. She is 37 weeks and baby Cale is already 6lb11oz. I can’t wait to meet him! It’s also very neat that we will have babies that are so close in age. What’s crazy though is that our babies will be just 3 months apart in age, but because of their birthdates, they will be in different grades. Strange, huh?

School is out. I love summer! I am especially excited about this summer because we will be getting Callie’s nursery ready! I cannot wait!
As a counselor, I work 10 extra days in the summer, so I will be working some in June and go back earlier than the teachers in August, but that is quite all right with me!! It was a great year. I love, love, love my job!

Well, that is probably enough randomness for today. Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone!


B.E.A.L. said...

this was fun to read and I LOVE that you put a picture of your waistband...too funny!

what a great post for documentation!

Enjoy your summer!

patti said...

Oh, the joys of being preggers. Your list is right on target...makes me miss it.

So, I saw something today and had to get it for you guys. No worries it's a one of a kind...well, by the time I finish with it.

Hopefully I'll get it done and come up...we were in Sherman last week having lunch with are not that far from there are you?


Deziray Click said...

Love the list! However I DO worry about my ever expanding waist line! I love the US pics!