Friday, May 7, 2010

And we're going to have a...

If you are like me, you can't really tell a thing from that between the legs look, but the ultrasound tech was sweet enough to write it right there on the u/s for us...

so, yes...


Isn't she precious?? I think these profile shots are about the cutest thing I've seen all year!

(Now, this is all quite redundant for most as just about everyone I know has already heard this from us via text message, facebook, or email...however, I am blogging to chronicle my pregnancy for us and for our little girl eventually.)

I thought I might not sleep at all the night before the appointment, but I slept great! I should have known I would...even when I'm very excited or stressed, I'm still able to sleep. I hope that never ends!

My mom came in last night. She was going to the appointment with us. She almost didn't make it in because she got very sick earlier in the week, thought she was having an appendecitis, which turned out to be a blockage in her intestines. The doctor put her on medicine for it and she started feeling better. YAY! So, she drove in and we are so glad she did!

10am, Friday, May 7 - Appointment time!

My blood pressure was a little high. Guess I was anxious! ;) My doctor asked our predictions. Mine was boy, Courtney's was girl.

Right when the tech put that thing on my belly, we could instantly see the baby's spine, back, and head. Oh my goodness. There really are no words. I went from being so excited and ready to find out the sex of the baby to not caring one single bit what we were having. All I cared about was getting to look at this precious baby and all its parts. It makes me tear up right now as I type, remembering how I felt when I first saw the baby. The tech moved all around, showing us every inch. From head and brain to chest and heart to back and spine to arms and hands. The baby kept moving all around. She kept moving her arms up around her head and trying to get her thumb into her mouth. Now, I must say that I really had no idea what we were having until we got in there and I kept calling the baby a 'he.' I don't know why, but I did it the whole time.

Finally the tech moved to the leg area.

Her knees were all up at her belly. I asked if it was going to be hard for her to tell what we were having and she said, "Oh no, I already know what you're having."


She didn't tell us then though. She said, "Hold on, let me show you." SHOW you is what she said. So, Courtney said, "Well, if you're going to show us, then it must be a boy." and she said nothing. So, we spent about 2 minutes totally thinking we were about to see boy parts. Totally thinking we were having a boy. That's about the time I started to cry. I asked for a tissue. Everyone in the room handed me one at once! Then she got us a shot between the legs and wrote in It's A Girl! and we were shocked!! SHOCKED! Courtney came over and gave me a kiss. And my hunch about it being a boy disappeared and we got all excited over our BABY GIRL!

A while back, Courtney said that if we were having a girl, he really wanted to name her. I thought that was sweet. But I had to make sure I was okay with the name he had in mind obviously! I had my mind set on Kate. Courtney wanted Callie. I liked it. We thought Callie Kate. But Callie Kate Christenson is a lot of c sounds, so we changed it to Callie Tate.

Callie Tate Christenson.

I love it. And the moment I found out that she was a she , I have loved her more than I thought possible.

And so has her daddy.


Just Brandi said...

so amazing!
She is gonna have her daddy wrapped around her little finger!
Love the name!
Congrats to you two!!!

B.E.A.L. said...

I LOVE this recap with all the emotions...she will LOVE reading this one day!

I love the name yall is cute and perfect and hooray that you can now call her by her name!

I can already tell she has her Daddy wrapped around your finger. You will find that you will fall in love with Courtney all over again when you see him with your daughter. There is just something about a GirlDaddy!

Congrats on Miss Callie Tate!

The Christenson's said...

Oh's already happening! I loooove hearing him talk about HER. His daughter! So cool! And he went shopping for her an outfit the other day, all by himself. He sent me a text that said, "I'm looking for Callie an outfit." and it made me seriously almost cry!! hahaha

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, I have tears in my eyes - a little girl!! I am so excited for you guys. Callie is a beautiful name, too.