Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Halfway to baby!

I am 20 weeks today!! WOOHOO!!

I am feeling really great! I feel Callie move every night when I take a bath, but today I felt her quite a few times at work. It's so fun! Courtney still has not been able to feel her on the outside yet. I can feel her movements on the outside of my stomach, but probably because I can feel that along with her movements inside.

I am craving:
-Reese's Pieces
-Dr. Pepper (I limit myself to 2-3 per week...it's my little treat)
-chicken salad

Smells aren't bothering me anymore, except that I am more sensitive to them. But nothing makes me feel sick anymore.

We've picked out the fabric for Callie's bedding. My mom is going to make it. Mom and I drove all over the Dallas area looking at fabric stores as well as browsed numerous internet sites for the perfect fabric. We ended up finding it at Hobby Lobby!! I was so excited too because I was beginning to think we might not ever find something I liked!

The paisley is for the crib skirt. The colorful polka dot and stripe will be crib sheets, the stripe will also be the valance on the window and the brown and white polka dot will be the curtain. The ribbon will be used to tie the curtain up.

We also picked out our crib. We went shopping thinking we were set on one crib, but since we knew we were having a girl, Courtney and I both decided we liked white and this crib better. I think it's so sweet. We haven't purchased the crib yet...just picked it out. So, halfway there and getting closer and closer!!

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

okay....so I LOVE the colors and fabric you picked out and can't wait to see pictures of her room when it is all done!

I love that your mom is going to make the bedding...that is so cool!

and my most favorite part of this post is how your sweet baby girl is referred to as "her" and "she" and "Callie"...I LOVE it!