Thursday, May 6, 2010


Oh it is almost here!! We find out if baby bean is a boy or girl tomorrow!! at 10am!

Here are pics from yesterday.

Here's a picture just for fun because I love the shirt! It says, Twinkle, Twinkle Little... and the star is on my belly. It's all sparkly. I adore glitter! Glitter goes everywhere when I wear this. Love it! :)

So, predictions on the gender...
For the record, I have absolutely no idea or hunch about if I'm having a boy or girl. None.
Here are some other fun wives tales and what they say...

chinese calendar - boy

vein test in my eyes - boy

heartbeat - girl

belly predictions - either way. One of my mothers-in-law swears she is never wrong and she says boy. My neighbor Kasey swears she is never wrong and she says girl. ;)

dreams - 2 boy dreams, 1 girl dream

mood (people tell me if I'm moody then girl) - boy (I feel very pleasant and less hormonal than ever!)

These are obviously just for fun, but even these are a toss up! Or we're having twins. HA!

1 comment:

Adele said...

Don't joke about having twins! You never know what the future might hold!! BlueBoy and RedBoy both believe it will be a BOY!! (and they think only one boy, not twins)