Friday, October 22, 2010

a girl and her boys

Our dogs have really settled in nicely with Callie home. They've exceeded my expectations for how they would react. I wasn't really too worried, but I am very happy with how they've done.

You may [recall] that Braddock started to really sense that something was going on right when I first got pregnant. Well, he loves his Callie! He is definitely the most interested in her. If I would leave her bedroom door open, I think he would sleep in front of her crib.

They get a little on edge when she cries. Especially if I have loaded her up in the carseat and take her out of the house crying. They get downright upset by that. And they are always very happy when I get home with a quiet, sweet baby.

Although Braddock is most interested, Lambeau does his share of watching over her too.

Nothing like a girl and her boys...

And no worries, Callie was in no way harmed during this little photo session! Braddock flipped over and decided to snuggle up to her. ;) We quickly moved him to another position.
I can't wait until she starts to get interested in them too.

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

these pictures are so sweet...they totally love her and she is going to love them here in a short while!