Sunday, October 31, 2010

Our Lil Punkin

Callie’s first Halloween was fun! Nana came to visit for the weekend and Nonna and Papa came on Sunday. We decided to take some pictures at my friend Edie’s house because she has a beautiful fall pumpkin arrangement in her yard. We were so excited to get some fun pictures of her in her adorable Halloween outfit.

Callie thought it was the best thing ever cruel and  unusual punishment for us to go out and take those pictures. Remember how I said my baby cries screams a lot? Well, she certainly let us know she did not enjoy taking these pictures. But, I had to post a few anyway! ;)

Well, in momma's arms...this is not so bad....

 Wait a second, you're gonna put me down?!?
I do not think putting me down is such a good idea....
 Nope, don't want you to put me down here either.

Nana and my paci can calm me down. Ahhhh

All you had to do was hold me.
Whew! That was hard work...take me home!

We got home and got her all settled down and we were able to take some pretty cute pictures of her in her Halloween outfit.

I even caught a smile.
(proving she doesn't hate us for putting her through that! ha!
That, or she was pooping...)

and a yawn.
Speaking of smiling. Now is the time. She should start to smile and giggle at us any day now. She actually does already, but it doesn’t seem to be regular enough for me to think it’s more than gas-induced. ;)

Hope your Halloween was happy too!


twiceknit said...

That's hilarious! Clearly, you are just heartless and mean for trying to take pictures of her.

The Johnson's said...

1. Erin you look FABULOUS!
2. Callie is adorable in her pumpkin onesie and tutu!
3. Love all the pictures you "tried" to get with her, they are adorable!