Monday, July 19, 2010

Our boys

I’ve always heard animals can sense something is coming when a woman is pregnant. Our dogs definitely know something is going on. Braddock especially. Immediately after I got pregnant, he started following me everywhere I go. He isn’t normally that way. He’s gotten much more snuggly since the tunnel incident (you might remember it if you’ve kept up with my blog long, however, I can’t reference it because I blogged about it before I accidentally deleted my blog. *sigh*) but he has still been the dog that sleeps on the couch all night when we all go to the bedroom. He could have really cared less where we were in the house, he would stay where he wanted to be. Lambeau has always wanted to be with me wherever I am. Not Braddock. But now? Now Braddock is by my side all the time. No exaggeration. All the time. If I’m up, he’s up with me. If I’m walking back and forth from the bedroom to the laundry room putting in laundry, he’s walking with me. If I’m going to the bathroom, he wants to come too. It’s so funny. When lays with me, he often puts him head on my belly. He can sense something is different and did immediately.

Now that I’m getting the nursery all ready, I’ve been letting them sniff around on the things we have in there already. I’ve read to play the toys that make noise for them to let them start to get used to all that. Once we have more of those kinds of things, I will do that as well. They are both very tolerant and good around little kids. I’m not worried about them being aggressive or mean at all. I’m just thinking that having a new little one around might be a little strange for them at first. I would love for them to know that it’s going to be a little strange for Courtney and me too! HA!

Pretty sure this baby stuff is going to rock all of our worlds for a bit. I know the boys will love her though. I really can’t wait to see our boys' reaction to our girl.

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

Sweet Baby Callie will have the best big brothers....and they will still be momma's boys!

I love the way dogs can sense things and I love how he follows you sweet!