One of the first things I noticed after getting pregnant was that I felt "foggy-brained." Like I was in a haze all the time. I know it's not just me...I know that this is very friends tell me and the baby books say it too. But, come on, must it be so bad??
For example, is it really necessary that I drive all the way to church in my new fabulous
slippers and almost get out before realizing it? Then have to drive home to put on shoes because I am
certainly not going in there with my fuzzy pink flipflops on!
Or isn't it sad that when a student comes in today for a schedule change and she says we talked about it on Friday and wants to know if I got her schedule changed and my reply is, "What exactly did I tell you on Friday?" because I
cannot for the life of me remember ever even talking to her!?
How about the multiple facebook messages and emails I send to people that start off with, ...I've probably already emailed/messaged you to ask you this, but I can't really remember if I did or not, so I am so sorry if I already did, but.........
And I cannot even count how many times I've walked into the main office at work just to look at the secretary and say, " idea why I came in here!"
Or now I lose things that I would never lose before. Like keys. My mom and I spent almost an hour looking for the car keys after one of my showers because I had misplaced them. Even though I just
knew I had given them to her for safekeeping. Nope, I had just laid them down in the back of the car and piled gifts on top of them, making it extremely hard to find them!
I have always been a list-maker/post-it note queen. But I am at an all-time high with this nowadays. If it isn't written down, it probably ain't happening.
The really bad thing is that the baby book I'm reading now says that this doesn't go away...that I will actually never be quite as clear-headed as I once was! So, if I forget to call you back or follow through on something, it really isn't my fault.
Wait, what were we talking about??