Monday, September 13, 2010

stream of consciousness

Alternately titled: Cankles and Car seats ;)

Tomorrow I will be 38 weeks along. I cannot believe that I am just 2 weeks from the end of my pregnancy. More on my feelings on that in a later post.

It has been so hot lately. Sweltering. Awful. Like a sauna. These are not good words to describe the weather at all. This heat and humidity coupled with being 9 months pregnant (or almost…I get so confused, because wasn’t I 9 months at 36 weeks? Then again, aren’t you only pregnant for 9 months?? Pregnancy myth #1 haha). Anyway, where was I? Oh the heat and humidity and being way far along pregnant just DO NOT MIX. What happens when you combine the two??


Yep, they made their appearance last Thursday. I was 37 weeks 2 days when my ankles morphed into the scariest things you ever saw. I was sitting at my desk in my office, looked down, and it alarmed me how big they were! HA! I sent Courtney an email that said that my ankles had morphed into something very scary. He sent back a one word reply, “Gross.” Way to be supportive, hon. But it is quite gross actually. They looked like I had sprained them and they were swollen. Ick. Thursday night I took a bath and put them up. That helped quite a bit. Friday, after the first home football game, they were back to humongo size again. Now it’s more the tops of my feet than my ankles.

Friday’s football game is probably the last one I will make it to for a while. The next games are away and I don’t think I will feel much like getting in the car and traveling to them. Courtney will be taking his vehicle to the rest of the games instead of riding the bus. That way, just in case he gets THE call from me, he will be able to leave and come to the hospital or come to get me or whatever. Which makes me think that I need to make sure there is someone that won’t be at the game that can take me to the hospital on a Friday night if needed. Oh so much to worry about! Except that I’m not really worried about it. It’ll all be just fine.

I took maternity pictures on Saturday. In the heat. In the sweltering, sauna-like heat. After seeing the pictures that my friend Laura took of me as I near the end of this process, it was worth every.single.second in the heat. I CANNOT WAIT to share my photos with you. They will be ready for viewing in a few weeks. Love them!! So glad that she took them for me. Also so glad that I wore something that covered my enormously large ankles in every shot. ;) Check out her website and you will see how talented she is. The girl is GOOD!

We got the car seat put in my car last week. Now, when I look in my back seat, I see this:
WOW! That makes it real. I got my car detailed last week and then we put the car seat in. It’s crazy to look in my rear view mirror and see it. Now we just need to get the one put in Courtney’s car. We were fortunate to be given 2 car seats. We got the one that goes with our stroller from the hostesses at my hometown shower. We were given a hand-me-down one from one of the coaches and his wife. Don’t worry, I checked it out to make sure it hadn’t expired. Did you realize car seats expire? Well, they do apparently. This one is not expired.

Well, check back tomorrow for my 38 week picture and survey.


1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

oh I am so sorry about your ankles and the heat but I promise you that it will all be totally worth it in a few short weeks!

can't wait to see the maternity will love that you have these!

hang in there girlfriend...before long you will be able to snuggle that sweet baby girl!