Tuesday, September 14, 2010

38 weeks

•How far along?: 38 weeks

•How big is baby?: Who knows! She was a pound big for her size at our last ultrasound, but that was weeks ago. We will find out soon, I guess!

•Weight gain: I've gained 36 pounds.

•Stretch marks?: Battle scars? I'm almost afraid to write it for fear I will jinx myself, but I still have no stretch marks, which makes this girl very happy.

•Maternity clothes?: I wear all maternity pants and most of my tops are maternity too. I can get away with wearing some of my regular tops and dresses.

•Sleep?: Still sleeping really well. I just toss and turn a lot, but I am sleeping soundly in between that and potty breaks.

•Food cravings?: sweet tea, sweets, apples

•Movement?: Lots of movement and hiccups still and it is very uncomfortable when she moves around now.

•Labor signs?: Braxton hicks and lots of them. Lots of pressure down there. It seems like something is happening.

•Belly button in or out?: Still out there. Just praying it goes back in after she's born! HA!

•What I miss: I miss being able to get out of bed easily. It's really a beat-down to get out of bed.

•Milestone: 2 weeks left until we will have Callie!!! If not sooner!! My doctor says she will induce on the 28th (my due date) if we haven't already had her. I am dilated to a 3 and I think she said I am 75% effaced. I go back to the doctor on Thursday. Oh, and I packed my bag and her bag. Come on Callie!!

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

well you are making progress and things are happening so that is very exciting! It won't be long now!
