Friday, May 13, 2011

If we have it, she will eat it!

The title of this post makes me think of the movie Field of Dreams…“If you build it, they will come.” And that quote makes me think of my dad. I watched Field of Dreams with him when I was a kid. I think I might have fallen asleep during the movie. I remember trying so hard to stay awake and knowing he really liked the movie and wanted me to see it. My memory is hazy as to whether or not I actually fell asleep or not, but I just remember being tired and trying very hard to stay awake.

Back to the point of the post…if I try to feed it to Callie now, she will eat it. Basically whatever IT is. You may [RECALL] that is a far cry from where we were when I started baby food with her when she was just shy of 6 months old.

I’ve been trying baby food with her every day since I first started with her and she would maybe take a few bites, but more often she would blow raspberries at me and push the food away and cry. She really wouldn’t have any of it. Then about 2 weeks ago, it just clicked. She first started to eat YoBaby yogurt and she loved it! I had seen a commercial for it and decided to give it a try since she wasn’t digging any of the baby food or rice cereal or baby oatmeal or pureed banana or pureed avocado. I bought the blueberry kind and the apple and sweet potato kind. She loved the apple and sweet potato but would have none of the blueberry. So, I just fed her the apple and sweet potato yogurt every day. Then I started adding in other baby food and she would open her mouth and eat whatever I put in front of her! I couldn’t believe it! So we stocked up on all kinds of fruits and veggies and yogurts and baby oatmeal and rice cereal. She loves it all. There isn’t anything she hasn’t liked yet. When we eat out, we give her bread and samples of our food in tiny pieces. She also eats baby food now at daycare too. We've come a long way in the food department! YAY!

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

love her cute lil birdy mouth wide open waiting for some yummy food!

I am so glad she finally has decided she wants to eat food!