Tuesday, May 17, 2011

8 Months Old

Callie Tate is 8 months old today! She is growing up so fast.

I love her big silly two-toothed grin in this one.

Taking these pictures is getting harder and harder! Don't believe me? check out all the others...

She's all over the place!

A few things about our girl...

-She is crawling now! Check it out HERE.

-She is wearing mostly 9 month clothes or 6-12 month. Some of her one piece outfits are 12 months.

-She wears size 3 diapers.

-She is starting to get a tooth on top.

-She has started making the m and d and g sounds. But mostly she just says dada. Or dadoo or dadadada or daaaad or just plain old dad. See where I'm going with this? Every thing is DAD.

-At her 8 month appointment (which was supposed to be a 9 month appt but the receptionist scheduled us wrong), she weighed 18.4 pounds (57 percentile). She is 27 inches tall (48 percentile) and her head is 47.5 cm (99 percentile).

-She drinks six 6 ounce bottles a day. Because my milk supply is slowing down somewhat, those bottles are 4 ounces breastmilk/2 ounces of formula.

-She eats baby food like crazy now! She loves it! All of it, every kind. She eats two 4 ounce fruits and two 4 ounce veggies a day + rice cereal or oatmeal. She makes quite a mess now when she eats and loves to rip her bib off. If I drip any food on her tray, she is quick to rub it all around and make a big ole mess. Blowing raspberries at me when she has a mouthful of peas is fun too. As you can see.

-She loves going on walks so much!

-She had her first trip to the zoo last weekend. She loved it! You can see that HERE.

-She consistently wakes up once a night nowadays. Gone are the days of our baby sleeping through the night. *sigh* But I'm embracing the middle of the night snuggles. Those happen at about 2:00am each night. She drinks a bottle and goes right back to bed. Then she sleeps until 6am when she wakes to eat again. Sometimes she goes back to bed then, sometimes she stays awake and plays gets into everything while we get ready for work.

-We had to take her headrest out of her carseat this past month. She has gotten too big for it. She rarely cries in the car and she cried all the way home from school and all the way to school the next morning. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I took the headrest out and voila! She was happy again.

-She takes at least 2 big naps a day. Typically she takes one in the late morning that is an hour and a half and one late afternoon/evening nap that is an hour and a half too. She sometimes takes a few smaller 30 minute naps as well. She takes those naps in her crib at home or her crib at daycare. 

-She doesn't like her swing very much anymore. She tries to get of it so we don't put her in it much anymore. She still really likes her excersaucer. She has many toys that she loves, many of them are the ones that sing songs and make a lot of noise.

-She loves "reading" books. She opens and closes the books over and over.

We love our little 8 month old sweetie pie!

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

I seriously can't believe that sweet girl is already 8 months old...wow!

I LOVE these little updates and the pictures of her in her chair are fun to see...and the out-takes are fun too!