Monday, May 9, 2011

Big Girl

Callie has reached some “big girl” milestones at her ripe old age of 7 months. I am constantly amazed at the things that she is doing now or wants to do.

For example, she always wants to be standing up. Usually she does this with our help. As I’ve said for months now, she will pull herself up while holding on to little more than one of our fingers. Now she tries to pull up on everything in sight. She doesn’t want to be sitting. She doesn’t want to be crawling, which might be why she still isn’t, at least not in the traditional ways of crawling. She doesn’t want to be rolling around, which she can do quite well.

She wants to be standing. Like this.
And now she can do it, while holding on to something for support, all by herself!

Another “big girl” moment came when we put her in a high chair at a restaurant for the first time. We tried that out on Mother’s Day. My first Mother’s Day, except Courtney reminded me in my card from the dogs that he gives me every year that it isn’t really my first Mother’s Day. I’ve been celebrating Mother’s Day for the last 7 years since we got our first fur baby, Lambeau. ;) Anyway, we tried putting her in the high chair on Mother’s Day. She’s been ready physically to do that for quite a while, but we always feel like she is more easily contained in her carseat when we are in a restaurant. But, she did great! While sitting in the high chair, we fed her bits of bread and she played with her table top toy.

Callie has also gotten big enough to ride in the shopping cart! Until now, we’ve always taken her into stores in her carseat. We still do that on big trips to Wal-Mart because it’s just easier that way. She is big enough to ride all by herself in the cart now and she really enjoys it. Of course, she tries to grab at everything within reach now too.

I say it all the time, but I just want to freeze time right now. She is growing up way too fast! This age is such fun and I want to keep her here for just a little while longer…or maybe a long while!!

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

are you kidding me?! how in the world is she already standing up?! I do have to say that she is pretty stinking cute standing up by the couch!

wow...time sure is flying!