Sunday, April 17, 2011

7 Months Old

Callie is 7 months old now!

As I did her 7 month pictures with the sign and teddy bear today, Callie performed for the pictures just like she does in real life nowadays....

Yep, that's about right...she is ALL OVER THE PLACE all the time now. So, I got a few good pictures of her and then she noticed the sign and ripped it right down. If we are at a restaurant and I have her on my lap, she is grabbing at everything on the table within reach. We've gotten to that point. Hide the goods that are within her reach!!

And within reach for her is anything she can scoot around to or grab by reaching out as far as she can. She isn't crawling yet. She gets her arms in position or she gets her legs in position but she can't get them working together. Yet. I don't think it will be long. She wants to move around so badly.

She can hold on to our fingers and go from a sitting position to standing now quite easily. I always say I think she might walk before she crawls. She's got some strong arms and legs. She loves to work those legs too by standing on our laps and jumping up and down with our assistance.

I said she is all over the place and that includes on the changing table. She won't stay on her back for a diaper change to save her life. She flips over on her belly or wriggles all around now every time. It's quite exhausting. I've gotten very good at putting a diaper on when she is on her belly. I've also gotten very good at finding things to entertain her for a brief moment so I can get her diaper on. Whew! We are going to be in for it when she's a toddler, I can already tell.

She still won't really eat baby food...except for yobaby yogurt. She loves it! Her favorite is the apple and sweet potato kind. She sits in her high chair and eats that every evening before her 5:00 bottle.

She typically drinks 6 bottles a day. She has 6 ounces in each bottle. Since Miss Independent self-weaned sometime before Thanksgiving and Christmas, I pump exclusively and feed her breastmilk in bottles. I'm not able to keep up with Callie and the amount of milk she wants to drink at each feeding anymore and so I supplement 1 ounce of formula in 3-4 bottles a day. I'm hoping I don't have to do more than that, but if I do, it will be okay. :)

Since Callie started teething, then got a double ear infection that required 2 doses of antibiotics, she has gone back on our deal of sleeping through the night. I miss that. *sigh* She has starting waking at least once a night quite regularly. Sometimes that's at midnight, sometimes 2am, sometimes 3:30 and most frequently 4:30am. She eats and goes right back to bed until I have to wake her at 7 to leave for school but I do miss the days of her sleeping from 8:30 to 5:30 or 6:30am uninterupted. She still goes to bed at 8:30pm.

She's got such a spunky, fun personality. She is still very serious, not laughing very often but she gives us plenty of sweet smiles and lots of open mouth excited faces. We can get her giggling if we tickle her sides.

 As you can see, she is a little chunk. :) She certainly isn't starving from not eating baby food! HA!

She still has just the two bottom teeth. I think she is starting to work on some more teeth now though. The slobbering has gotten pretty bad again.

We are loving every second with our 7 month sweetie. As I pray with her before bed each night, I thank God for trusting us with her. What a true blessing she is to us!

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