Wednesday, June 30, 2010

kicks, jabs, and rolls

Callie moves all the time. I love it. I will admit though that it is quite a strange feeling. I think its and all but sometimes it actually hurts a little or makes me feel a tiny bit nauseous. I don’t mean nauseous like it makes me disgusted, I mean like the physical sense of nausea. But that is fleeting. I feel her mostly on my right side. All day long. Oh and all night long. :) She moves a lot. I think she does sleep some, but I think that is mostly when I am busy. Someone told me that she sleeps when I am moving around because it rocks her to sleep. Then when I get still, she wakes up. Interesting. I hadn’t ever really thought of that, but it seems to be the case.

For a while after I felt Callie move for the very first time, I could only feel it on the inside. I couldn’t feel the movements from the outside if I had my hand on my belly. Shortly there after, I could feel those movements, but it wasn’t strong enough for Courtney to feel. I think I could feel it because I felt it inside and knew when it happened. My mom was actually the first person to feel her move from the outside. We were in Tulsa and Courtney was with my dad and we were at my grandma’s house. I told my mom to hurry over and she did and felt her move! It was so fun for someone else to experience her movements! That evening Courtney was able to feel her move as well. That was over Memorial Day weekend.

We’ve just started being able to see her movements from the outside in the last few weeks. It’s really exciting! And now if you watch my tummy for long at all, you’re bound to see her rolling around, making my belly move. These movements can be seen most on my right side and on my lower belly. I was helping my friend Sabrina texture her kitchen and bathroom walls and when we sat down for a break, Callie started moving like crazy. Sabrina saw my belly move from across the room!

I am really going to miss having this big, round belly and feeling her move after she is born. I do realize that means I will get to hold her in my arms and see her and all that wonderful stuff, but I will definitely miss this part. I’m sure that once I’m 35, 36…38, 39 weeks along I will be singing a different tune, but for right now…I love this. I feel great and I am just watching my belly grow.

That being said, there are some things that are already getting harder for me. I am 27 weeks along, so almost 7 months, and it is harder and harder to get out of bed and up off the couch nowadays.

I am still sleeping quite well (and thanking God for that) but know that will probably end in due time as well. I’ve had 2 nights of restless sleep. One night was filled with insomnia, the other with discomfort. I sleep on my left side just about all night long at this point. It sort of hurts to sleep on my right side…maybe because she seems to be on that side most of the time. I sleep with a pillow between my legs and a pregnancy wedge pillow under my belly. That wedge pillow has been my saving grace. I travel with it and am never without it at night. It is fabulous!

I’m not the only one who enjoys the wedge pillow… ;)

Here are some recent pregnancy pics of me at 25 weeks taken during another weekend in Tulsa for my grandparents’ 60th wedding anniversary party. 60 years! Truly amazing and a wonderful example to all of us in the family.


B.E.A.L. said...

I love the new layout and that now it isn't just the two of you anymore!

awwww.....isn't being able to see and feel her move one of the best things ever!

I am so glad you are at this stage and you are such a cute preggo momma!

Ms. J said...

New follower- found you on Mckmama's blog when you commented about boxers! My husband and I just got our first boxer puppy a couple weeks ago and we are SO in love with her!

AND my dad's name is Cortney! Which, as I am sure you know. is very unusual to find another guy with that name- I will have to let him know :)

Congrats on your sweet little baby-you have such a cute belly!

The Johnson's said...

LOVE IT! This time in your pregnancy is going to be so much fun! I remember these days with Addison. Oh and she was the same way to. She would be up "playing" from 10pm till 2am. :-) By the way I love your pictures, you are just glowing! I can't wait to see you soon!

Mom said...

You are so adorable! I love seeing you pregnant. It brings back so many memories - those of your sister carrying Will and, of course, of me carrying both you and your sister.