Sunday, June 13, 2010

Getting ready for baby!

Our summer project is the nursery. Or I should say "my" summer project is the nursery. ;) Courtney is super duper busy this summer with basketball camps, football stuff, open name it. He seems even busier than he is during the school year. Which is fine. It gives me time to relax and work on getting the nursery ready.

Callie's room was completely full of stuff until Friday afternoon, when my friends Sabrina and April decided it was time to get it cleared. Thank goodness they forced me to start on it, because I can be a bit of a procrastinator. Let's be honest, I'm a HUGE procrastinator. So, even though I really wanted to start working on her nursery, I did not want to work on the packing up of stuff in that room that I really have no place for any of it to go. Gag. So they got me motivated by coming over and helping me with it. Oh, I love my girlfriends!!

Then my other fabulous girlfriend Keysha came in late Friday night to help me paint. I decided I wanted to do the room in stripes of all different widths. The room is already painted a pale pink (lucky we are having a GIRL and didn't have to repaint everything, especially since the ceiling is painted pink too) and so I wanted to do darker pink and brown stripes. I thought this would be so easy. Yeah, I actually thought it would be way easier than repainting the whole room and it would still freshen up and update the look of the room.

Boy, was I wrong.

It was quite a process! Of course it is, right?? Well, I am not sure what I was thinking!! I guess I was thinking that the painting of those stripes would be quick and easy, and that part was very quick and easy. It's the measuring of the stripes...the figuring of the widths of the stripes...the getting down on the floor and shining the laser level up the wall while Keysha tediously marked off the stripes...the dreaded and awful taping off of the stripes that was anything but easy!

So it was TWO+ HOURS after we started the process and we had just finished the taping process of ONE wall that I decided an accent wall would be a great idea for Callie's nursery! ;) Ha!

And I do think it was the best decision!

The finished product!!

Isn't it so cute??? I love how it turned out! I love that her crib will go along that wall, with her name in adorable letters that I ordered off etsy above her crib.
Remember her bedding fabric?

My mom is working on it as I type. I can't wait to see the finished product. By the way, she is a genius behind the sewing machine! ;) I know it's going to look wonderful!

It sure is fun getting ready for baby Callie!


B.E.A.L. said...

oh my goodness...those stripes are so cute and I love that is where her crib will go with her name!

That little girl is gonna have one cute room...looking forward to seeing the finished product!

this is so fun...I love it!

patti said...

Oh I love it!!! The hard work paid off. can't wait to see the finished room.

Rupinder said...

Baby shopping is not easy but with internet access it makes so easy you can choose all the things from for your little angel baby.

Nursery Bedding

The Johnson's said...

too cute! I can't wait to see it when it is all done!