Thursday, March 17, 2011

6 Months Old

It's our sweet girl's half birthday! 6 months old.

We go for her 6 month appointment on March 25th so we'll have new stats on her then. Also, she's having her 6 month pictures taken by my extrememly talented friend Laura of Laura Kent Photography on the 26th so I will have those to share eventually too. I cannot wait!!

Now for the new and interesting things Callie is doing now...

*She recently went through a crazy growth spurt and wanted to eat every 3 hours around the clock. That meant overnight too. She is over that now, it lasted about 10 days, and she is back to sleeping all night long.

*She sleeps from 8:30pm-6:30am. Except for the last few days, when she has started teething and is now getting up halfway through the night when the tylenol wears off. :(

*She eats 5-6oz of breastmilk every 3 hours during the day.

*She wears size 2 diapers.

*She is wearing 6 month or 6-9 month clothes. She can still fit in some 3-6 month but her 3 month onesies are just about too small.

*She is sitting up all by herself now.
(sorry don't know how to turn the video...??)

*She loves to play and roll around and smile and bounce in her jumper at daycare and her excersaucer at home.

*She giggles more now but she still doesn't do it a lot. She tries to laugh a lot...big open mouth...usually squealing but she still has her silent giggle most of the time. We say we think her giggler is missing. You can tell she totally wants to giggle but she just doesn't yet very often for some reason. I'm sure that is fine, but the overly concerned new mom in me is totally going to be asking the doctor about that.

*She is not a fan of baby food yet. We keep trying every evening though. She's had avocados, rice cereal, bananas, peas, baby oatmeal and sweet potatoes (in that order) but she doesn't like any of it. Actually it's not as if she doesn't like the stuff we feed's like she doesn't like the whole idea of eating food. The moment I come at her with the spoon, she purses her lips and then starts to blow raspberries at me just in case I think I might try to get that spoon in there.
    ***update - I wrote this post a few days before I was ready to publish it...since then, Callie has started to eat her baby food!! She ate sweet potatoes and bananas on Wednesday evening and peas and bananas this afternoon. YAY!


*She loves my cell phone. She always takes it from me if I use it around her.

*She looooves books. We have a stack of books on a tray on the ottoman next to the couch and she will reach over to the books and grab one that she wants to look at. And she knows which one she wants too! Lately it has been her Lovebug book that my mom got her. Her picture goes on the heart of the bug's tummy and it shows on every page. It light up too and sings music. She adores it and opens and closes it over and over because the lights and song start and stop that way.

*She sleeps on her belly in her crib every night. She used to sleep in her bouncy seat until mid-February, but that is no more! She takes most every nap at home in her swing.

*If she finds her pacifier in her crib, she can put it back in her mouth now if she wants to.

*She has cut her first tooth! It came through on Monday night (3/14) I will be sad to lose her toothless, gummy smile.

*She got to cheer for her daddy as his basketball team made it to the Regional tournament. We were so proud of him!
After the team won Area, they get to cut down the net. So special!

And to quote a page or two from her favorite book,

You're my punkin wunkin,
My peaches and my pie,
My bread and butter, peanut butter
Apple of my eye.
You're everything that's wonderful,
You're all of the above,
But most of all what you are
Is God's sweetest gift of love.

We love you our little 6 month old sweetie!

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

I can't believe she is 6 months old...that went by fast! I love these update posts and more importantly you will love having this to look back on!

She is a cutie patootie!