Saturday, March 5, 2011

Let's go to the movies!

Callie saw her first movie today! My friend Blaine called and asked if we wanted to go to the movies with her and her twins. I was a little hesitant because I wasn't sure how she'd do in the theater. But she does love her some tv, so I thought maybe she would love it.

She did!!
Her first movie was Rango. Turns out she like Johnny Depp! :) It's not a great picture, but it's sort of hard to take a picture in the dark theater without making people mad with the flash. Ha! I had to do it though. It's her first movie experience, after all!

She sat just like this, all excited about the movie and staring at the screen with this much intensity the whole time. Well, that is, until the twins decided they had had enough and we left. They didn't like Johnny Depp as Rango as much as Callie did.

Good times!

1 comment:

twiceknit said...

Did the volume level not bother her? We still haven't taken Will to a movie. Now he'd just want to run around in the theater, so we clearly missed the window of opportunity. The only time I ever got sick during my pregnancy was at loud movies--as far as I can tell, Will just didn't like the sound or the bass or something!