Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Single digits!!!

We've hit the single digits!! 9 weeks until baby Callie will be here! I am 31 weeks today.

We had a doctor appointment yesterday. My belly is still measuring 3 weeks larger than it should be because of my fibroids, which my doctor says is completely fine and nothing to worry about. I've had fibroids for years. They are high (above my belly button) right now and haven't caused me any pain or trouble at all. My doctor says the only time they could be a problem is at delivery, but since mine are in the position they are, they won't get in the way then either. So, I'm not worried about that. Callie is not measuring big (according to the last ultrasound), just my belly because the fibroids do take up room in there.

Her heartbeat was 152. I will never tired of hearing that sweet heartbeat.

And we scheduled our last ultrasound!! It is next Monday. I will be 32 weeks then...well a day shy of 32 weeks, but close enough. That will probably be the last time we see Callie before she arrives. I can't wait to see her again.

On another note, the heat is really starting to get to me. It's H-O-T!! I am still walking the dogs at night but we have to wait until about 8:30 or so to go because of the heat. Then we come back and water the plants in the flowerbeds and cool us all off. It's my favorite part of the evening. Because it's so hot, I might not fix my hair again until I go back to work after Callie comes! Yes, I mean AFTER I am out for maternity leave. ;) Blow-drying my hair just takes too much out of me. And it's just too hot to have my hair down all day. It's ponytails or my hair in a clippy from here on out.

I am still really enjoying pregnancy although I am not feeling as good as I was now that I'm in the third trimester. My tiredness is back and, like I said, the heat is getting to me. I've had a few "episodes" where I felt like I was going to pass out and that is just not fun. Again, doctor is not worried about it at all. Says to stay hydrated (even though I am!) and take it easy. Hopefully when school starts back, these won't come more frequently. It seems to happen when I rush around very early in the morning to get someplace. Yikes. I just keep juice and something quick to eat on hand, which helps.

I'm starting to see that I will probably be very ready for this baby to come as I get closer and closer to my due date...meaning as I get bigger and bigger and more uncomfortable. It has just recently become hard for me to bend over. In fact, if I drop something, it's got to be really worth it for me to spend the energy bending over to pick it back up. HA!

Until next time, we are counting down single digits and so excited about that!

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

yay....that is a big milestone and now time will really fly!

I love reading your posts and love hearing your progress! Take it easy and enjoy this last little time you have with Sweet Baby Callie in your tummy!