Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Funnies

So, today was a crappy day....buuuut, my kids said some funny things today that I wanted to pass on.

One of my boys had a headache today and he kept going on and on about his headache, so I said, "I have a headache too, if it makes you feel any better." To which he replied, "It doesn't." I laughed out loud!
Kids are so honest.

Another boy came in and said first thing: "I cannot wait for next week." and I asked why and he said, "Because we will chase the girls next week."
Kids are so simple.

Many of my kids call me Mrs. Christen (pronounced Christian). They just leave off the son part. I guess it is easier than saying my whole name. So, today, one of my boys said, "Hey Mrs. Christen." and one of my girls yelled out in an exasperated voice, "It's SON, ChristenSON. GOSH!!" It was too funny. And just what I was thinking, so I was glad she said it for me. ;)
Kids are so funny!

Happy Friday!


The Johnson's said...

Don't you just love an 8 yr olds thinking and sense of humor!

B.E.A.L. said...

I love the "funnies" from the kids...that is one thing I miss from teaching so I am living through my gals still in the classroom. love it!

btw...I sorry you had a yucky day! tomorrow is saturday and I hope you get to sleep in! :0)

Keysha said...

so super typical! and was the little girl by chance named 'kennedy' :)

twiceknit said...

These made me laugh out loud. Hope you're having a good week!