Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Frustrated dog walker

I love walking/running with my dogs. In our old neighborhood, I used to walk the dogs almost every single day. It was ritual. I loved walking in our neighborhood. We knew so many of our neighbors and would often stop and chat with people along the way. We rarely ever had dog issues. There were just a few places along our walk where I knew the dogs behind the wooden fences would bark and tear along the fence line, giving my dogs quite the neck pull as they tried hard to get to them.

Here, though, it is another story.

First of all, almost everyone has an outside dog or two or three.
And secondly, these outside dogs are behind chain link fences as opposed to the tall wood fences in our old neighborhood, so they can completely see us, and we--oh yes--we can see them.
Thirdly, there are millions (or it seems as if they come out in the millions) of cats roaming around.

So, with that being said...our walks are kinda a nightmare. And they are noisy. The dogs in the neighborhood go nuts. Crazy stinking nuts over us. You've never heard so much barking. People even come out of their houses or to their windows to see what all the fuss is about because every dog is going berserk! [what a weird looking word--berserk...]

And the jumping. Oh my, they jump like they are going to come out at us. Those of you who know me well know that I am terrified of other big dogs. I have made my way up on a car or two to get away from dogs that have scared me in the past. So, on these walks I live in fear that the dogs are going to come over the fences to get us. The whole time my dogs are pulling and acting all stupid and crazy over it. UGH!

Then we meet up with the cats all along the way. Braddock acts like a total spaz as he tries to run to them. Then he takes this weird cat-aggression out on poor Lambeau as he is the closest thing to him. Oh my goodness. It is nuts.

I keep thinking it will get better. But tonight was the worst night yet. I swear there were more dogs out in yards tonight than ever before.

I guess the good news is that my arm muscles are getting quite the workout on our walks.

Okay, I'm done venting now.


B.E.A.L. said...

I feel for you! Walking the boys should be fun...not a stressful workout! Maybe it will get better or maybe you will find a nice quiet neighborhood to walk them...if that is possible. I am guessing there are no dog parks there?!

Hope it gets better for you! I love reading your stories...they always make me smile or giggle!

Keysha said...

sounds like you might need to load up and find a park or something. that sounds way stressful!!! doing your 5k schedule huh?

Chrystel said...

Hey Erin! I feel for you!!!! Hey, don't feel bad, Oxford acts like a nuts with cats too.. what is wrong with these "little brothers" ???
Worse.. Oxford is starting to show dog-aggression behavior!.. oh my! ...
one thing that is very helpful: a gentle-leader.. i swear, that thing works with magic.. even in front of a cat/ armadillo/ racoon/ rabbit.. whatever that Oxy wants to get.. he just doesn't.. hahaha

-notice: i created a google account - now i can post comments! ;)