Saturday, April 2, 2011

All she needed was a highchair...

Obviously, if I had broken out the high chair in the beginning, we wouldn't have had the eating issues we've been having.

Who knew? We borrowed this high chair from our neighbor and it's been sitting in our garage, waiting on me to get it cleaned up. Today Callie sat outside on the porch while I cleaned it up with a hose in the yard. Classy, I know...sort of classy like our overgrown flowerbed that hasn't gotten any attention since the night before I went into labor...
Then I brought it in and got her all set up in it.
 And she chowed down on sweet potatoes and applesauce like it was no big thing. Except that it is a big thing, because she has yet to really eat any food at all since the day she ate sweet potatoes and peas back a few weeks ago. We offer baby food each night with her sitting in her bumbo seat but she won't eat it.

Tonight, she did! All because of that high chair! :)
Here's hoping I don't jinx myself by publishing this post! HA!

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