Thursday, February 11, 2010

going to have to change my blog name...


We are so very excited! I plan to keep up with my adventures in pregnancy here. Take it or leave it, like it or not, I want to document this joyous process for myself. If you enjoy reading about it, then that will just be a bonus! Hopefully I will keep up better than I have been lately!

Here’s how it’s gone so far…

January 27, 2010
I decided to take a pregnancy test because I was anywhere from 2-9 days late. Why the range? Well, my cycle has been between 28-35 days. Those first few months of trying I would take a test on day 28 if I hadn’t started yet. After repeated negative tests for a few months, I decided I needed to stop doing that! Not to mention that my husband put the crack down on that and told me to stop stressing over it. Hmmph!
So, back to January 27…I decided maybe I should take a test. Now, we’d been trying since the end of June, so I my expectations were very low for this test coming back positive. But, that test turned positive so fast!! I wasn’t even done peeing before it showed up with 2 dark lines!

WHAT? No way!!!!

Courtney was taking a nap. Now, I’ve always thought of the fun, far-out ways I would tell him we were expecting. My friend KB said this is the female version of the proposal. They get to announce marriage, we get to announce baby. So, obviously, I had to figure something out! I didn’t have any baby items purchased or anything spectacular, so I used our doggies in my announcement. That just makes sense as they are our first “babies.” When Courtney woke up (yes, I waited until he woke up—I have the patience of Job, let me tell you!), I brought the dogs in to him. Here’s how it went.

Me: The dogs have a question for you.

Him: No, I don’t want to take a walk.

Me: No! Not that. They want to know if you will still love them now that you will be a daddy to a real boy or girl.

He looked up at me so fast, with a look of complete shock and surprise on his face. Man, I wish I had my camera ready to capture that face. Priceless! It was great! But a camera would have been way too obvious…

Him: Are you serious??

So, I showed him this:

Then we spent some time being all happy together and yay, yay, yay! Then he asked if maybe I should take another brand of test to be sure. So, off to the store we went to get more tests! I know, ridiculous! But we couldn’t help ourselves. Two tests later (so 3 total) and I was STILL PREGNANT! Praise God!

January 28, 2010
I woke up and took another test! Just for good measure. You guessed it! STILL PREGNANT!! hehehe

As everyone says to me, “yeah, that’s kinda the way it works.”

That puts our due date at September 28. A fall baby. Ah, I love fall! Now I have just another reason!


Keep checking back for my pregnancy updates. Thanks for taking this journey with me.


Just Brandi said...

OH I'm so so so so so excited for yall!!!
I got all teary eyed when reading this!
I never used to be a crier... until I had Tucker.. its like the pregnancy hormones never left!!!

You better update us regularly missy!
Hope you are feeling on the up and up so far!
I always found it helpful for morning sickness to carry around a granola bar in my purse and any time I started feeling sick I'd eat something and it'd go away.

B.E.A.L. said...


I can't wait to follow along on this new phase of your is the best thing ever and you will be such great parents!

Hope you are feeling good these days...take lots of naps when you can you will need them!

and I love how you told him...I don't have the patience...wish I did but I can't.

Yay....yay....and I loved reading this! Can't wait for more! :)

Kristy said...

It's about time! I'm so excited for you guys. I can't wait! Enjoy every bit of the ride!

twiceknit said...

Yay! The blog lives! Now you have to put one of those pregnancy countdown widgets on it.

And congrats again! We're all really excited for you!

Shauna said...

So, I tried to comment before but for some reason, it didn't post. Anyhow, SO excited for you two. I expect to see lots of pictures on this blog! Oh, and I thought I would throw out a blog name suggestion... how about 1+1=3? Parenthood is fantastic and I hope you have a very smooth pregnancy!

Venus said...

Yay!!! I'm so excited for y'all! I'm can't wait to read all about it on your blog ;-)

patti said...

WOOOOO HOOOOO! I was super excited when i saw the title!!!! I can't wait to see you and your cute belly. Oh what fun...I can just imagine you and all those pregnancy tests. big hugs and congrats!!

Kristin said...

YEAH!! I'm so excited for you guys. Can't wait to read all about it!!