Friday, February 26, 2010

9 weeks along

Here is my 9 weeks belly pic.
(please disregard my scrubby pants and the same shirt that I had on last time! When I think to take a picture, I'm usually in my comfy clothes on the couch, relaxing!)

This is why I'm getting to the point where I have to rubberband many of my work pants and some jeans right now! I've got a little BUMP! :)

I've borrowed a LOT of maternity clothes from my friend Blaine and will be going through those this weekend. I'm in a weird stage, because it seems silly to wear maternity clothes, but I am uncomfortable in some of my regular clothes.

I am still so tired. I've started taking Zofran for the nausea and it is helping tremendously. I can actually function in the mornings now and I don't constantly feel like I have to eat or I might die but don't want to eat because everything made me want to gag. That's how I've felt up until this point, so this is a nice change.

Our baby is the size of a grape right now. It is amazing to me how much is happening in our baby's tiny body already. Truly amazing. I love to read updates on about what's going on with the baby. It is such a miraculous thing to have another human growing inside of me and for that teeny tiny little human to be developing so quickly! I love it!


B.E.A.L. said...

that is it!

I remember that stage and unfortunately it last for a while!

The Johnson's said...

Aww love the baby bump!!! I am so glad the Zofran is helping, that stuff seriously saved me!!!