Thursday, July 16, 2009

All moved in!

We have gotten all moved in to our house and are loving it here! Now that I have internet all set up again, I figured it was a good time to update.

We are all moved in and getting settled. Our house has wallpaper up in the kitchen and bathrooms and so I am working on getting those areas textured and painted. It's actually pretty fun to texture, but I am not looking forward to painting. But, I am trying to use my summer time wisely and get some of it done now. Can't wait for the finished product!

Good news, I got a counseling job!! I will be a middle school counselor at Nocona Middle School in Nocona. It's about a 20 minute drive for me, but it is all highway...but not a busy highway, no traffic at all. It is a super easy drive. I've been to my new office and met with my principal now and am going to take my stuff up there and get my office ready next week. I am so excited, but I will admit that I am quite nervous about working with middle schoolers. Only because my focus has been elementary kids up until this point. But I am ready for the new opportunity. My principal seems fantastic and he seems like he is going to give me the freedom to create the role I want. He has not had a counselor in the past, the high school and elementary counselors have filled the role, so I really have freedom to start a brand new program. That is very exciting for me!

I will post pictures of our new house soon. As soon as I can find the cord to my camera so I can upload the pics!!


Just Brandi said...

yay for getting all moved in!

Our neighbors have some of your mail.
Send me your new address so I can give it to them to send to you!

Thanks! Hope yall are doing good!

B.E.A.L. said...

oh girl I have missed you! so awesome on your new job...and it is weird that you have an office now instead of a classroom but so nice.

You will do great with those kids and sounds like your job will a lot of fun! good luck and glad you are settled and back in the blogging world again!

miss you!

twiceknit said...

So glad you're all settled in and getting everything unpacked. Can't wait to see the new house!

Keysha said...

can't wait to see more pics, and even better to see it in person!!!

Chrystel said...

i can't wait to see the new house!!

Shauna said...

So happy for you guys! I expect to see lots of pics on this blog! Oh...and for a name, how about "1+1=3" ? Hope your 1st Trimester goes smoothly!