Saturday, July 9, 2011

Water: it's an acquired taste.

I was so excited to take Callie swimming for the first time. And like many things that I get all excited about, they sometimes don't go as I think they will.

I just knew she would love it.
Oh, but she did not. In fact, she hated it.

We first started her off in Courtney's dad and Donna's pool. It was pretty cold and apparently she thought it was freezing. She was having none of it. We then moved her to their hot tub. I figured this would be okay with her because she loves to take baths. I guess she was still traumatized from the pool so she wouldn't really give it a chance. We tried again the next day and she did better.

Fast forward a few weeks and Callie has started to really enjoy the water. This is her swimming in her new float at Sabrina's mom's house.

Over 4th of July weekend, Callie tolerated her sunglasses long enough for me to get a picture, then off they went. However, she really enjoyed the water. And yep, that is the pool at Mike and Donna's this time. Which is lucky, because I'm not sure I could tolerate the hot tub in the 100+ temps.
Today we swam again at Mike and Donna's and she splashed around and even acted like she wanted to go under water. She didn't. But she acted like she wanted to. I'm too scared to put her head under water. I'm mostly afraid it will scare her so much she won't want to get back in.

She swims at our friend April's house and loves to walk around in the beach front entry with her float around her to support her wobbly little not-quite-ready-to-walk-yet-but-very-soon legs. Too cute.

So this water stuff...took a while to enjoy...but now she has acquired quite a taste for it. :)

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