Sunday, July 17, 2011

10 months old

Callie Tate is 10 months old today!
Although this picture is dark, it was the ONLY one I got with her smiling.

This is the best portrayal of our busy girl these days.
She was really having none of the picture-taking. It was almost enough to make this momma say oh well, maybe we won't get a picture this month.

Then, I remembered the puffs. The magic puffs. I gave her some then just handed her the container. Altough she wouldn't really smile, at least she would sit still.

This picture cracks me up.
This is her mad face. It is accompanied with little huffy sounds she makes with her nose. HA!

Right now, Callie is really into:
her sock monkey
(thank you April for it!!)

pushing around her push toy all by herself

holding her own bottle like a pro
We are trying to get her to use a sippy cup. She's not really digging it too much. But she's got to learn because I get very tired of her tipping her bottle upside down in her carseat and spilling the oh so valuable breastmilk everywhere.

playing "where's Callie?"
She crawls all around this shelf, squealing the whole way.

getting on and off the couch
(Her Nana, my mom, taught her this valuable skill.)

pulling everything out of her drawers, over and over
Callie has got a fiery little personality these days. Actually, she always really has. She pushes the limits all the time now and really hates hearing "no". However, she does understand no and she really does obey when we tell her no...even though it makes her mad.

Callie took her first step recently. She has done that two times. She doesn't seem quite confident enough to take more than that but she stands on her own more and more every day. I think she will be walking very soon. AH!

She weighs 20 pounds now.

She drinks 3 six-ounce bottles of breastmilk a day but that is quickly dwindling down to just 2. She eats three meals a day. She loves all baby food. Anything I give her, she will eat. She also eats quite a bit of real food now too. Her faves are bread, madarin oranges, pasta, beans and we recently discovered she loves crab alfredo. ;)

She takes 3 naps a day. An early morning nap, a noon nap and an early evening nap. I'm sure once school starts, that will cut back to 2 pretty quickly.

She has 7 teeth now. The four front teeth on top and the 2 front teeth on bottom with one coming in on the right of her bottom middle teeth.  

I feel so blessed to be at home with Callie this summer! I am getting to see so many changes in her on a daily basis. It's been very fun.


B.E.A.L. said...

really...she is 10 months old?! holy cow time is flying by super fast!

love the pictures and the fun she is having! such a cute girl at a cute age!

AN said...

Wow, she is growing up so fast... She is a very active girl, I think. She is such a cute girl and enjoy every moment with her!! It really goes by so fast.