Saturday, November 27, 2010

First Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful first Thanksgiving with Callie!
We always spend thanksgivng with Courtney's mom and his family. This year we spent it at Uncle Brandon's house in Edmond.

Callie had an adorable turkey shirt I ordered off etsy for her. Here she is showing it off.

Her cousins Cale and Azure were there for the fun and festivities.

Uncle Brandon, carving the turkey. It was his first Thanksgiving at his house, so he did the honors.

Cha Cha gave Callie a sink bath one night. We love our little duckie.

All bathed and adorable.

Hanging out with Uncle Brandon

The brothers and their babies.
Daddy and Callie and Uncle Brandon and Cale.

Showing off how well she can hold up her head now. Those are daddy's hands. He's not in many pictures, because he was only there for a short while.

Courtney was only able to come spend about 12 hours with everyone for Thanksgiving because the Muenster Hornet football team is in the state play-offs and they had practice on Thanksgiving day! It's a very exciting time in Muenster right now!

This year we are so thankful for many blessings!

1 comment:

twiceknit said...

Wow, Courtney and Brandon look alike! I would have thought Brandon was Courtney in some of the pictures if you hadn't labeled him!