Saturday, May 28, 2011

Outgrowing things

The rate at which Callie outgrows things has blown my mind since the very first onesie that became too small. From the clothes to the diapers to the bassinett to the sleep positioner to the first bathtub to the playmat to the bumbo seat. It's hard to give these things up because it proves she is growing up.

And now it's her swing. I put it up in the attic last night. It was a lifesaver for us for many, many months. 8 months to be exact. It traveled with us on a few trips because for a bit, it was the only place she'd go down for a nap. But now that she's become so mobile, being in the swing is the last thing she wants to do. Pulling up on the swing is a more favored activity. Crawling under the swing is fun too. But being in it..not so much. So, we put it away. I have to say, as sad as that is, it's really nice to have it out of the midddle of our living room though!

We also had to lower her crib yesterday. I walked in to her room on Friday morning to get her to find her standing up waiting on me. Arms outstretched towards me...and there goes more heart exploding feelings...but also, it made my heart about leap out of my chest because the crib rail hit her just above her belly. If she knew how, I really think she could have gotten out of there. Soo, down went the crib. To the lowest level. Because who wants to mess with lowering it again in a month when she gets even taller? Not me!!

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

awww.....I remember how that feels! But isn't it one of the best things in world when you walk in and your sweet baby has her arms stretched out for it!

I can't believe she is getting so big!