Tuesday, November 8, 2011

blowing kisses and basketball

Callie got all decked out in her itty bitty cheer outfit tonight to go to the first girls' basketball game of the season.
As we were getting ready to walk out the door, she started blowing kisses to the dogs. Complete with the mwah! sound and everything. Adorable. Completely and totally adorable!

I can't believe it's already basketball season. Courtney's boys' team can't start playing yet because the football team is in the play-offs, which is also very exciting. It's going to be crazy this basketball season chasing Callie around in the stands. Crazy, but fun.

And just for fun, here is our girl last year during basketball season in the same cheer uniform.
:) There was no blowing kisses or chasing Callie around the stands this time last year. What a difference a year makes!!

1 comment:

  1. seriously what a difference a year makes! I am LOVING keeping up with her personality and all the new things she is doing.

    Have fun this basketball season and good luck!
