Saturday, November 27, 2010

First Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful first Thanksgiving with Callie!
We always spend thanksgivng with Courtney's mom and his family. This year we spent it at Uncle Brandon's house in Edmond.

Callie had an adorable turkey shirt I ordered off etsy for her. Here she is showing it off.

Her cousins Cale and Azure were there for the fun and festivities.

Uncle Brandon, carving the turkey. It was his first Thanksgiving at his house, so he did the honors.

Cha Cha gave Callie a sink bath one night. We love our little duckie.

All bathed and adorable.

Hanging out with Uncle Brandon

The brothers and their babies.
Daddy and Callie and Uncle Brandon and Cale.

Showing off how well she can hold up her head now. Those are daddy's hands. He's not in many pictures, because he was only there for a short while.

Courtney was only able to come spend about 12 hours with everyone for Thanksgiving because the Muenster Hornet football team is in the state play-offs and they had practice on Thanksgiving day! It's a very exciting time in Muenster right now!

This year we are so thankful for many blessings!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

2 Months Old

Callie is 2 months old now!

November 17, 2010

We had her 2 month appointment on Friday. You know, the one where she gets all her shots.
It was a sad time. You can’t tell by this picture because I had gotten her all calmed down by then, but she screamed her little heart out. It broke my heart. She had big, real tears for the first time actually. Running down her face. Add that to a runny nose and you’ve got my sad girl after her shots. After holding her tight and swaying around and offering her pacifier, she finally calmed down. Then she was completely fine and we headed to the Muenster playoff game where we enjoyed the game from the press box. Perks of being a coaches’ wife.

Callie is 11 lbs, 6.4 oz and 23 inches long now. In case anyone cares about the percentiles, that puts her at 66% for weight and 73% for height. She is growing great!

A few things about her:

• She is holding her head up better and better. She consistently holds it up when we hold her. She still has trouble holding it up when she is laying on her belly. Still working on that.

• She is smiling more and more. I have trouble catching them on camera, but her daddy and I love to get her to smile in response to us. Still waiting on giggles. She smiles at me a lot in the mornings and it just

•She is wearing size 1 diapers and 3 month or 3-6 month onesies, depending on the brand and you know, if she's wearing one at all. :)

• She likes to take baths now. She does NOT like getting out of the bath and getting dried off.

• When she is trying to fall asleep or is tired or is nursing, she rubs her ear and the hair above her ear. It’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.

• She has slept through the night two times. She consistently sleeps 6 hours, then gets up to nurse, then sleeps another 3 hours. I just get up with her once at night and it is typically at 3am.

• She has had only breastmilk and when we are home, she is breastfed. She has 5 ounces each time she drinks from a bottle. She usually eats every 3 hours except overnight when she goes for 6+ hours.

• She is awake for longer and longer periods of time now. Sometimes after we get home from school, she will stay awake until time for bed. On those days, if she doesn’t nap well after we get home, she will go to bed for the night at about 8.

• Her most favorite thing to do is lay on her back and play with the toys on her playmat or lay on her back on a blanket and just look around. In fact, we were at dinner and she was fussy in my arms and didn't want to eat, so I laid her on her changing mat on the top of a table (see her in the picture below? Don't worry, we really did watch her to make sure she was okay! I promise...I sat in that empty seat right in front of her) and she was perfectly content the rest of the time. Whatever works, right?

• She sleeps in her bouncy seat in her crib. Yep, I put the bouncy seat in the crib because it makes me feel better! Ha! And I want her sleeping in her own room. But she sleeps so well in the bouncy seat. So, there you have it. Don’t judge! ;)

• The screaming/crying fits for no reason where she can’t be consoled are happening less and less nowadays. In fact, it’s quite rare to for her to cry that way anymore. She is becoming much more content. Thank you Lord.

• She is on Zantac twice a day for reflux. The doctor said we will re-evaluate if this is still necessary at her 4 month appointment.

• She enjoys riding in the car. She sleeps (she is my child!) or just looks around.

We just love our sweet 2 month old!


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Road Trip!

Callie and I took our first road trip. We made the 2 ½ hr drive to my parents house in Holdenville, OK. Callie is definitely my child because she loves to sleep in the car. I fed her right before we left in the loaded down car (who knew such a tiny human would require so many things for a weekend getaway?) and she didn’t make so much as a peep the whole trip. I stopped off to get a gigantic starbucks drink and we enjoyed ourselves very much in the car. ;)

On Saturday, we got up and around and my mom and I took Callie to Tulsa to meet the extended family. I was so excited for Callie to meet her great-grandparents! She has both sets of great-grandparents, which is such a blessing. Unfortunately, my dad’s dad was not feeling well and he didn’t want to risk getting Callie sick, so we will have to visit them another time. But she got to meet my grandma and grandpa, my mom’s parents.

I love how my grandpa is playing with her in this one.

4 Generations. Greatness.

I was also so very excited about Callie meeting her third cousins. My cousin Michelle had her baby girl Breckyn in August, then I had Callie in September, and then my other cousin Brent and his wife Lori had a baby girl Lydia in October. So much fun with three baby girls!!

Lydia, Breckyn, Callie

With their great-grandparents

The moms and our girls

Callie and Breckyn enjoyed their first play date very much. Can’t you tell?

It was such a wonderful time with family! I am so glad that we made the trip so that the little girls could meet each other. I wish we lived closer to them. What fun!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I survived.

I made it through that first day back to work.

Most of my anxiety came from worrying about getting out the door on time. And guess what? We made it out the door on time and with everything I needed! My principal told me to take my time getting to school on Monday. He said if I needed to stay at the daycare to get her all settled in then it was fine for me to take the time to do that. I am truly blessed to be working where I am with the people that I do.

Callie slept great on Sunday night as she often does. We took her to a Halloween party at our neighbor’s house and then came home and got bedtime routine going. She slept from 9:45pm-3:30am, then from 4:00am-6:15am when I had to wake her up to nurse and get going. We made it on time to daycare and I did stay for a bit and discuss her daily routine with them. It’s very nice because Callie is the only infant at daycare right now and so she gets quite a bit of individual attention from Miss Ashley, who is in charge of the babies. There will be another baby joining her in February. Callie goes to a daycare for staff kids in my district. That is so nice! I had heard wonderful things about the daycare and they have exceeded my expectations so far! I will even be able to go over there and nurse or snuggle her during my lunch break sometimes.

I stayed strong as I took Callie inside. I stayed strong when I talked to them about her schedule and what she does during the day. I stayed strong as I kissed her and walked out the door. And then I got in my car. And I broke down. :( She was sound asleep when I left her and I kept thinking that she was going to wake up in a strange place with strange people and it broke my heart! I got to school and went into one of my friend’s classrooms and she had a big Dr. Pepper waiting for me and a shoulder to cry on. I needed both things! I eventually got myself under control and I didn’t cry anymore during the day. And I only called once to check on her during that first day. I would have called more times probably except that I was swamped at work. Apparently if you take 6 weeks off, you will be very busy when you return. Who knew?? ;) That was good though because it kept my mind busy. When I got there to pick her up (finally!) Miss Ashley had a detailed print-out of her day that tells me when she ate, napped, was fed…it even details cuddle time and center time! Too cute!

I survived!

I get to look forward to coming home to this piece of sweetness!
And every day gets a little easier.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cousin Cale

Courtney's brother Brandon and his wife Kyla had sweet baby Cale in June. We drove to Ardmore to meet them for dinner so that everyone could meet the new babies It was so much fun!

Kyla and Callie

 Kyla, Caden, and Callie

The babies together 

 Cale and Callie hit it off immediately.

Hey there, cousin!

Checking eachother out.

Group pic

We're spending Thanksgiving with them so we'll get to have all kinds of fun then. Good times with family!