Thursday, February 5, 2009

30's not so bad...

Today is my 30th birthday and I had a fabulous day.

Started off at 7:15 with a sweet phone call from the Warren boys...nothing like hearing Happy Birthday sung to you by an 8 yr old, 5 yr old, and a 2 yr old. Except Phyllis told me later that Cade (the 2 yr old) just sat there smiling as the older boys sang to me. So sweet! Then more early morning birthday phone calls made my day! At lunch, my team had mexican food for me for lunch. That was a fantastic treat! Courtney sent me flowers, which was a nice surprise. My students were so excited about my birthday. You know that a birthday is the biggest thing ever to nine year olds, so they made it extra special for me. I wrapped up the evening with friends and Courtney at Olive Garden, my favorite place ever, and so it was just a really nice day.

Turning 30 really didn't bother me at all.

One of my co-workers brought up that I am no longer in the under 30 bracket anymore, but that's okay with me...

My kids played a guessing game for my age today. One of my girls really wanted to do this so she cut up little slips of paper and the kids all wrote down how old they thought I was. Then she drew it out of a bag and if they had the right age, she is bringing them a prize tomorrow. Too funny! The point of that story is that one of the kids said I was 36, which offened me much more than the kids who wrote that I was 86...niiiice.

And for an even funnier of my kids sent me an e-card last night, so when I logged on this morning, it was waiting for me.
The card opens and there is a big ole hot dog standing there wearing a crown and it says, "Birthdays are a lot like wieners." (!)
And then it goes to the next screen and it says, "Well, not really, but there aren't nearly enough cards that say wiener."
Then on the next screen the crown wearing hot dog starts to dance with all these pelvic thrusts and repeats over and over, "Wiener, wiener, wiener."
Now that is pretty funny, but the best part is that I opened it with all my students around (I figured it was from a student, it's got to be appropriate) and so now all my students are cracking up and dancing the pelvic thrust dance around the room. It was so wrong!!

I could just see the dad of that student saying to his son last night, "Yes, son, send her that one...that's a funny one." wink wink.


  1. Happy Birthday! 30s aren't so bad. I think it's when we really start becoming comfortable with ourselves...or at least, that's how it's worked for me. But it is a little weird when you move up on the insurance age bracket. :)

  2. hahaha! your kids sound great!!!
    Have you started getting AARP cards yet?
    Sean has... I think it's pretty funny!

    Well I'm glad you had a good birthday!!!

  3. Who wants to be twenty when you can be "Flirty at Thirty"?

    So glad we could dress up in out "party clothes" and celebrate with you!

  4. Happy Birthday! I heard that women at age 30 or older get more beautiful inside and ouside. So nothing to be sad about!

  5. Happy birthday, girl! I love ya!

  6. happy happy belated birthday! Sounds like a fun one and trust me the 30s are great!
