Here are a few of my most favorite things as a new mom. Must haves, if you will.
Lansinoh nursing pads
-if you're breastfeeding, nursing pads are a must. But I tried out a few brands and these are definitely the BEST! No leaking. None. For real.
Summer Video Monitor
-this is by far my most favorite thing we have for Callie. Peace.of.mind. Enough said.
The First Years drying rack
-love this thing! I use it every single day. Thinking about buying one for school and just using the bottom half of it for my office.
Colic Calm
-this is a homeopathic gripe water. It says on their website that it works instantly and that babies love the taste. I'm gonna go ahead and agree with both statements. It works instantly. Don't believe me? You could ask my mom and my pastor's wife. Both have seen Callie screaming and I give her this and she is
instantly calmer. Yes, instantly. It's nuts! And she loves the taste. Which is weird because it is charcoal black. But she sucks it out of that syringe. It's for gas, reflux, colic, you name it. In fact, after I got this I stopped using her gas drops and just used this as needed.
My breast pump - Medela
-Callie is only 3 months old and this thing has made many trips with me. It has a car adapter so I can even use it in the car. I have used it driving home from a dinner date with my hubby (that's romance, people!), in the backseat after the Rangers playoff game, in my office three times daily, at my parent's house, and at home each night. It's wonderful! And borrowed...thanks Harrison!!
Nursing tanks
-when I get home each day, I immediately change in to my nursing tank. It's just so easy and comfy! I sleep in them as well. I wore it every single day I was on maternity leave. The part that covers your boob clips and unclips so easily for nursing. I love these so much! Mine is a bit different than the one pictured, but the best part is the clip. Also borrowed...thanks Keysha!!
What are your favorites?